
5 Easy Eco-Friendly Swaps to Make

January 21, 2020

HI! I’m Molly.

Here to encourage you on your own bold pursuit of intentional living as I live out my own. I’m passionate about running, spending time doing what I love and cheering others on to approach running with joy.

Even if you're not big into trying to make eco-friendly decisions, you have no excuses to not do these they're so easy!

I’ll be the first to say that I am wasteful. As I’ve become more aware of the amount of waste I create, the more I try to find new ways to reduce that amount. I’m THRILLED to finally be in a place where we have recycling because that in of itself creates a huge difference. I started paying attention to where most of my waste was coming from and am happy that changing these habits has been SO easy. You legitimately have no reason not to do the below! :) Below are my 5 easy eco-friendly swaps to make:

Regular Paper Towels to Reusable Paper Towels

Instead of wiping my hands on paper towels when they’re dirty or after washing my hands, I now use cute cloth napkins. Then for spills and other spots where I need to come, I bought reusable paper towels! I bought THESE on Amazon for cheap. Once they're dirty, just run them under the sink, let them dry and boom. Good to use again.

Foil to Beeswax Wrap

I saw my mom using this and I was like what on earth is that?! You can use it to wrap sandwiches, cover lids, wrap cheese, etc. They stay shut on their own if you wrap something, so you don’t need to worry about that! Here are the ones I have.

Ziploc Bags to Reusable Bags

Thinking on this one, I used to use SOOO many baggies when dividing up my bulk snacks...yikes! I got these and you can throw them in the dishwasher too, so no need to fret about how they’re going to be clean after. Here's a great affordable option and here are the Stasher bags I've mentioned before.

Plastic Water Bottle to Refillable Water Bottle

I’ve always been a big water bottle carrier, so I’ve never understood how some people go through so many plastic ones haha! I do drink a TON of water (in fact, my doctor told me to stop drinking so much…), but I think everyone needs to be carrying one around so they can stay hydrated. I love Camelback, Hydroflask and Yeti.

Grocery Bags to Your Own Bags

I need to make it a habit to leave my re-usbale bags in my car, but once you do changer! If you don’t already own a few canvas bags you could use, most grocery stores now sell them. If y’all are grocery shopping as much as I am, you will save SO much plastic by doing this!

A few other things I’m going to be looking into as the year goes on are the menstrual cup (eeee) and bringing my Yeti to coffee shops since I typically only get black coffee anyway! I also save most of my glass jars and re-purpose them in some way or another.

What tips do you have to switch to more eco-friendly living?

Even if you're not crazy about making drastic changes to protect our planet, there are a lot of simple changes you can make that make a big difference. Click the post to see what they are! #ecofriendly #gogreen #sustainability
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